Welcome to Health Data Day - Helsedatadagen!

Date, time and place: May 24 2022, 9:00-16:15, Thon Hotel Storo

Never has it been more important to talk about health data. That's why we arrange the brand new one-day conference; Helsedatadagen - Health Data Day.

Here the industry will meet to discuss the use of health data. We will discuss what health data is, who owns them and how we best can save them. And not least: How can we use them for innovation?

Helseanalyseplattformen is put on hold, which has lead to a lot of questions being left unanswered.

Welcome to Health Data Day - whether you work in the public or private sectors, are a student or a researcher, or if you just are intersted in what we can do with health data.

Social gathering after the conference, first mingling at the hotel for everyone (16:30-17:30), then dinner (at 18:00) at Xeast, Torgbygget,
Nydalsveien 33
0484 OSLO
OBS: Separate ticket for dinner!

Foto: Ard Jongsma / Still Words Photography.  EHiN 2021.
Foto: Ard Jongsma / Still Words Photography. EHiN 2021.

Health data is information that is related to our health. For a long time this has been information in journals and laboratories. In our digtal age we are suddenly able to use several other sources; like genetics, heart rate monitors, pedometers, blood pressure monitors and many more.

According to experts our knowledge will increase so enormously for the next 50 years that all we know today will only make up 5% of it.

A lot of the information we will achieve could be defined as "health data". During the pandemic we experienced that mobile phones with GPS could be an important tool in the battle against COVID-19.

Therefore it's interesting to discuss what health data is. Health data comes in many shapes. How do we combine qualitative information that clinicians write into your journal with an innumerable number other sources? How do we combine quick data analyzes with responsible research? And how do we handle the data in a safe and legally correct way?

How do we keep our Nordic societal values in a fully digitized health world? And how do we create value for us as inhabitants, and can Norway become relevant in the digital health industry that is developing?

"It's you and me, Nard!" - Shahzad Rana, CTO at Microsoft Norway, in a podcast with EHiN.

You own your own health data, is a general opinion. But is that accurate? Is there such a thing as ownership of health data? The British expert Petra Wilson thinks that we must leave the question about ownership behind.

And who controls the access to health data?Is it the municipalities, the BigTech companies or a combination? How can we as private citizens control this on our own?

There is an important difference between ownership and access control of our data


There is an increasing need of using health data from our good, local health registers and from many other sources. It isn't alway easy. The big project around Helseanalyseplattformen has been put on hold because of regulatory challenges with the EU and Schrems II.

How are we in Norway suppose to keep control over health data, when we at the same time can be a part of the technological health revolution that we see coming? What are the possibilities in health data and AI, and how can we use them? And how can we cooperate in the Nordic countries to stand stronger?

Health Data Day is a new concept, but in familiar EHiN-style the day will consist of interesting professional talks and panel discussions about several of the most important topics within health data, both from the public and private sectors. 

Partnere til Helsedatadagen:

Vil du høre mer om helsedata?

Lytt til EHiNpodden og EHiN Webinar!

Visste du at en gentest for mange kreftpasienter kan være billetten til livreddende behandling? I dette webinaret diskuterer vi hva det innebærer, hva som må til for å oppnå målet og hvordan aktører fra både offentlig og privat sektor kan samarbeide for å lykkes. Hvem skal eie de genetiske dataene, hvem skal få tilgang og til hvilke formål skal de brukes?


Det investeres i Norge store summer i både helseinnovasjon og helsedata. Ole Johan Borge er bioteknolog og direktør helseforskning og helseinnovasjon i Norges forskningsråd. Han er en brobygger mellom helsenæringen og forskningsinstitusjonene, med fokus på helsedata. Hvor står Norge? Hva er veien videre? Hvorfor ble HAP satt på pause? Hvordan får vi bedre synergier mellom næringslivet og forskning? Hør podcasten her.

«Hvem eier disse helsedataene? Det er meg og deg!»

Hva er skyløsninger og hvorfor skal vi bruke dem? Shahzad Rana er teknologidirektør i Microsoft Norge, og han svarer på om det forsvarlig å sende norske helsedata til amerikanske skyløsninger. Hvordan kan helsedata brukes for å få bedre tjenester? Hva er de etiske konsekvensene av en digital helseverden? Hør podcasten her.

Helsedata er oftest persondata, og dermed har GDPR og Schrems II-dommen fått stor betydning for hvordan vi kan håndtere, jobbe med og samarbeide om helsedata. Kravene til sikker håndtering av våre data gir god sikkerhetsutvikling, men fører også med seg utfordringer for aktørene. Med oss har vi advokat Øyvind Eidissen som er partner i Schjødt, og Einar Martin Aandahl som er lege, forsker og CEO i Ledidi. Sammen dekker de både tekniske og juridiske aspekter rundt bruk og prosessering av helsedata. Kan teknologi som confidential computing løse Schrems II? Hør podcasten her.