Health Data in the Tech Revolution – Assessing the Nordic Situation

11. apr

10:45 - 11:45

The challenge associated with health data doesn’t necessarily lie in their quality, but rather in access and the fact that small nations alone may not have a robust data infrastructure. In this session we broaden our scope, and look to Finland and Estonia, two countries that have progressed further in its development and utilization of health data. How can Norway draw inspiration from Finland and Estonia, and what is needed for us to more effectively leverage our health data? How will the European Health Data Space (EHDS) impact us all?

The European health data space and preparatory projects
v/Markus Kalliola, Project director, The Finnish innovation fund Sitra, Finland

Kalliola will give a presentation about the EHDS and how European countries have commonly prepared for it in TEHDAS joint action and how the follow up joint action TEHDAS2 will support the implementation phase. Markus will also give update on how the Nordic countries are working together in a VALO project to sharpen the Nordic added value to EHDS.

AI in Nordic Healthcare: Where we are today and how to accelerate
v/Joona Pylkaas, Head of Data & AI, Tietoevry Care

Slow adaptation of AI in healthcare is a complex issue. Regulatory barriers and conservative culture do play a role but there’s more to the story. Nordic AI development must be accelerated in many ways. Fixing healthcare organizations’ data infrastructure is the most important thing from a technology point of view. In this talk, Joona Pylkäs discusses the situation of AI in Nordic Healthcare today and what is needed to accelerate the use and development of AI within our healthcare systems, with experiences from Finland as reference.

Findings and tooling from the Health Sense project to empower secondary use of health data in Estonia
v/Kristjan Kolde, Data Warehousing Technical Lead, Health and Welfare Information Systems Centre (TEHIK), Estonia

Moderator: Nard Schreurs, EHiN & Iselin Holmedal Marstrander, EHiN